Dr. Dan Meyer with the Iowa State Extension Agency investigated the effectiveness of Sulfi-Doxx at preventing hydrogen sulfide emissions during pit agitation. The building housed 1000 head of finishing pigs and was separated by a concrete wall that did not have equalization holes in the bottom. One side of the pit was treated with Sulfi-Doxx and the other side of the pit was left untreated. The pits were left for 3 months before fall manure pumping.
Hydrogen sulfide readings were taken on the minute for the first 100 minutes of agitation inside both the treated side and the untreated side of the 1000 head hog confinement. Measurements were downloaded remotely to a computer using a Dräger Pac 5500 Series hydrogen sulfide monitoring unit. In the non-treated room, hydrogen sulfide readings peaked at 203 parts per million (ppm) and averaged 93 ppm. In contrast, hydrogen sulfide readings in the treated room peaked at 10 ppm and averaged 2.7 ppm. The OSHA limit for immediate threat to life is 100 ppm of hydrogen sulfide. Sulfi-Doxx reduced peak hydrogen sulfide concentrations inside the confinement by over 95%.